Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas this year didnt feel like christmas at all, the way im used to it anyways, but it was still alot of fun! Instead of christmas stories and cookies on christmas eve there was a feast and music and dancing and people laughing a little to hard at things (mostly from the traditional cider "sin alcohol" but im not to sure about that....) Going to bed all cozy and warm excited for the presents in the morning, was cheers and bombs they try to call fire works at midnight, one "fire work" didnt go off the way it was supposed to and blew to shreds the brick that was holding it in place, just to let you get a feel for what they are like here. And finally sweet christmas dreams and knowing santa was comming was replaced with dancing through the night in the local club and walking home during the beautiful sunrise. Christmas day was not presents and too much stocking candy and watching steff do her yearly breaking the chocolate orange on the forehead trick, but recovering from the nights festivities and eating pan dulce and ensalada de frutas. Later that day we enjoyed a nice asado and went swimming in the mountains and ended the day by talking and being able to see my family through skype. It was a very merry holiday that i can only think of as navidad, because for now, until it feels like christmas, they are too very differnt holidays, but i loved it non the less.

Monday, December 7, 2009


The best advice you could ever get before going to argentina

You will be offered yerba mate. It looks like a cup used to smoke weed but dont worry, not a drug, just a hazard to your tounge. It is a herbal tea they drink that is very, VERY hot. Ive already burnt my tounge at least 4 times. Tastes good, but doesnt feel good. The trick is to barely put your lips around the straw and suck up the tea with a gap of cold air to hopefully tame the fire. That way you look like you can handle it at least and hope your watery eyes dont give you away.