Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh me

I learned something new today, and i felt like a fool in the process. We went to betos for some food and i wanted some taquitos. I couldnt find them on the menu and gaston kept telling me they were there under the tacos section. I was getting irritated cause i still couldnt find them and then i realized, taquitos means "little tacos" in spanish. So hopeing gaston didnt see my embarassed face and to make it look like i new that already i just told him none of them sounded good and hurried and ordered something else that turned out to be really sick.

You learn something new everyday

Friday, July 10, 2009

I do what I do

FILL IT OUT! Learn 49 things about your friends, and let them learn 49 things about you!
1. Do you like blue cheese? Thats like asking if i like the taste of throw up.
2. Your Favorite Shoes? Im a flip flop kinda girl
3. Do you own a gun? My dad has guns
4. Your favorite song? right now, the new black eyed peas song
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Im not afraid of dying
6. What do you think of hot dogs? They would be ok if they didnt have the mysterious red vains...
7. Favorite Christmas song? ba humbug
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Really cold water
9. Can you do push ups? With my hands tied behind my back
10. Are you afraid of flying? Not if im strapped in
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Wedding ring and necklace and earings
12. Favorite hobby? vaccuming
13. Animals: love them or hate them? Love some and Hate some
14. Do you have ADD? no. And i hate people who claim they have it when they dont.
15. What do you hate about yourself? No one is as cool as me.
16. What is your middle name? M
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
18. What's your favorite number? I dont do numbers.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Vodka tonic, pure water, milk
20. Current worry right now? Whoes going to change nicos poisen diaper
21. Current hate right now? Everything pretty much
22. Favorite place to be?
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Partying it up in argentina
24. Where would you like to go? A nice beach
25. Name three people who will complete this? ......
26. Do you own slippers? ya but they carry too many diseases to wear
27. What shirt are you wearing? black maternity shirt that i hate
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I hate sheets.
29. Can you whistle? Yes.
30. Favorite color? red
31. Would you be a pirate? I was my whole freshman year
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? What ever goes with the beat
33. Favorite girl's name? Sophia
34. Favorite boy's name? Nico
35. What's in your pocket right now? Pocket Polly
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Gaston throwing up because of a bad diaper
37 . Best bed sheets as a child? new kids on the block
38. Worst injury you've ever had? I hate picking favorites
39. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
40. Who is your loudest friend? The voice in my head
41. How many dogs do you have? No dogs for me.
42. Does someone have a crush on you? most likely
43. Favorite Book? Twilight.
44. Partying hard or Laying low? the pants party
45. What is your favorite candy? Alfahors and milk duds
46. Favorite Sports team? Im not a team player
47.What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping
49. If you are married, where did you meet your WIFE/HUSBAND? SALSA CHOCOLATE

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Exploring the mind of a one year old

Do one year olds know how to fake laugh? Im pretty sure mine does, sad to think we learn at such a young age that in order to make people happy, we sometimes have to fake laugh no matter how painful it is. Even more sad to realize that my son does not genuinely think my wierd faces and sounds are funny.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

a brush with death and a outcome of life

June 23, 2009

5:30a.m.- Contractions begin and i get excited as anticipate the baby being born anytime, but i know i still have alot of work and time until then.

12:30p.m. -Labor is beginning to get more intense as i do everything in the book to help things progress

3:30 p.m.- Off to the pool as a last attempt to help body relax and make the labor progress quicker

4:00 p.m. - Ok, now pain is getting pretty intense, timing the contractions and getting ready to leave for the hospital.

5:00 pm- Ok now this really hurts, call dad to have someone pick up nico so we can go to the hospital

6:30p.m.- Knock at the door, dawns here, i feel a pop and warm liquid down my legs and water breaks the second we open the door. TIME TOO GO!!

7:00p.m.- On the way too the hospital, water still comming out, but why is it so bloody? I start to get scared.

7:15p.m.- Checked in too the hospital, nurse is concerned, there shouldnt be that much blood... nurse leaves the room and i tell gaston to pray for us to be ok

7:20p.m.- Too much blood is still comming out, Dr tells me to get ready for a immediate c-section,

7:25p.m.-Rushed too the operating room and prepped for surgury, the butterflies in my stomache seem to be making it all the way up to my heart, i keep praying for things to be ok.

surgury begins,

7:30p.m. Everything is rushed and no one has the time to tell me whats going on.

7:49p.m. I hear my baby at last. Sophie is here. Tears of joy and relief fill my eyes. I love her so much already. But why is she crying like that? someone please talk to me!

7:50p.m.- i hear them saying her measurements, 8 pounds? wow i knew she was going to be big, 19 in? same as nico, i wonder if she is doomed to be short as well, alot of hair? that explains the heart burn. i cant wait to see her, why wont they show her too me?

8:00p.m.- i finally see my little angel, so cute and looks like her daddy, my arms ache to hold her but i only get a glimps of her before she is rushed to be put on oxygen somewhere in the hospital. might as well be a different planet.

8:15p.m.- Finally ready to be taken to my room, im feeling really dizzy and can barely focus on what the dr is saying. I lost alot of blood. he had never seen the placenta ripping off that bad before, if we had waited any longer, me and my baby would have been in real trouble. maybe even not survived. I knew there was someone there watching over us.

8:30p.m.-11:00p.m. When will the shaking stop? why am i still so dizzy, i keep asking for my baby but no one seems to hear me. Im glad to have my mom and my husband and becky there with me to help me stay calm.

11:00p.m. - i finally get to meet my sophie. I am so happy to finally have her in my arms and i am overwelmed with love for my new daughter. I check her over to make sure everything is good and am relieved to find that she is just perfect after such a dramatic entrance into this world.