Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Choose your own adventure

Lately my life feels like one of those choose your own adventure books i used to read during the summers when all the other garfield comic books were checked out. We keep making dramatic desisions during the course of our life that we think will take us to our happily ever after but then those pages that ask you to choose between various off course paths that will eventually take you to a different ending. Our latest page stopper was a letter in the mail saying we had to be in utah by the 29th of january or we would loose gastons status and would have to start immigration crap all over again and not be able to return to the states until it is complete. That could take years. So what do we do you ask? Well we have no choice but to choose that adventure and see where it takes us. For now it takes us back to were we sold everything we had and now have absolutely nothing, except for family. So those of you who will soon be getting a phone call from me, consider yourself a savior in the choose your own adventure book of my life. We have to stay there for the rest of the year. So that gives us time to find our next "what do you want to do now" page. Wish me luck. Or give me money. Whichever you think would help me more :)

1 comment:

Steffen'effer said...

haha I choose good luck.